Why does Ben Adhem use “thou” and “thee” while addressing the angel?

QuestionsWhy does Ben Adhem use “thou” and “thee” while addressing the angel?
Talat asked 7 years ago

Why does Abou use the pronouns ‘thou’ and ‘thee’ instead of ‘you’ to address the angel in the poem Abou Ben Adhem by James Henry Leigh Hunt?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

“Thou’ and ‘thee’ are archaic words used in the Biblical stories and in the times of Shakespeare. Whenever there is a sense of ancient times, addressing someone of higher rank, or something related to religion or divine elements, use of these archaic words makes sense.
Thus, Abou Ben Adhem using the pronouns ‘thou’ and ‘thee’ instead of ‘you’ while addressing the divine messenger, the angel is only befitting as a mark of respect.

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