What is the Inchcape Rock?

QuestionsWhat is the Inchcape Rock?
Anonymous asked 8 years ago

What is the Inchcape Rock? / Where is the Inchcape Rock situated?

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3 Answers
Prajit answered 6 years ago

Inchcape Rock is a perilous reef of the east coast of Angus, Scotland near the mouth of River Tay. The rock is just a few inches above the surface of the sea in low tide. In high tide the rock is completely covered by rough seas. Many ships have wrecked because of mistakenly crashing on to the rock, when it was covered by the sea.

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Staff answered 8 years ago

The Inchcape Rock is a reef in the North Sea about 18 km off the east coast of Angus, Scotland. There are legendary stories about the rock. One such story has been the basis of Robert Southey’s famous poem about this perilous rock.

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Heiz answered 8 years ago

The Inchcape Rock is a rock in the North Sea about 12 km away from Scotland. It was so near to the top of water that no vessel could sail over without striking it.

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