What animals are talked about in the passage? What happened to the animals?

QuestionsWhat animals are talked about in the passage? What happened to the animals?
Subir Das Roy asked 6 years ago

What happened to the old man’s animals in the story “The old man at the bridge” by Earnest Hemingway?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

In Hemingway’s story “Old Man at the Bridge”, the old man mentions that he had three animals — two goats and a cat, and four pairs of pigeons. 
The man left his pets on their fate when he was forced to leave his native town San Carlos because of an impending war and the artillery. The old man was assured that the cat would be alright, as he could find food for itself. But he was worried about what would happen to his goats and the pigeons. The narrator consoled him by suggesting that the birds would fly if the cage door was left open.

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