How does the speaker sound in the poem “Be the Best”?

QuestionsHow does the speaker sound in the poem “Be the Best”?
Angela asked 3 years ago

The speaker in the poem “Be the Best” sounds (i) proud (ii) despondent (iii) angry (iv) positive?

Or, What is the tone of the poem “Be the Best”?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 3 years ago

The speaker’s tone in the poem “Be the Best” is positive and inspirational.

The poet actually wants to motivate the readers to be the best at whatever we do in our life. The poet wants us to know that no job is less important and we need not be ashamed of what we are. Although we all dream of doing great deeds and being at the top, what really matters is the contribution we make to the society to make it count.

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