What is the theme/central idea of this poem “All the World’s a Stage”?

QuestionsWhat is the theme/central idea of this poem “All the World’s a Stage”?
Avanti Kashikar asked 6 years ago

What is the theme / central idea of William Shakespeare’s poem “All the world’s a stage”?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 6 years ago

The poem, a dialogue of Jacques from Shakespeare’s play “As You Like It”, is a philosophical reflection on life and our role in it. It breaks down the complexities of human life into seven exceedingly simple stages and makes a sweeping and humorous generalization as to the manner in which an individual progresses in life. The entirety of Human life and the poet’s view on it is covered in the dialogue of Jacques in merely seven sentences. The dialogue also stands as a strong case for the poet’s argument of the futility of life.

Find the analysis of the entire poem here: The Seven Ages of Man: Summary & Analysis

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