The Tempest Questions and Answers

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QuestionsTag: The Tempest
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Which items were necessary for Prospero to perform his magic in William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”?

Last updated September 21, 2021

2036 views1 answers0 votes

Who were the royal people on-board on the ship which faced the tempest in William Shakespeare’s play “The tempest”?

Last updated September 18, 2021

2610 views1 answers2 votes

What character trait of Miranda is revealed in her opening speech in Act 1, Scene 2 of William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest”?

Last updated September 10, 2019

7514 views3 answers3 votes

Assess William Shakespeare’s “The Tempest” as a tragicomedy.

Last updated February 19, 2019

17859 views1 answers6 votes

The Tempest by William Shakespeare is not merely a fairy tale but a play rich in symbolism with allegorical meanings woven intricately into it. Discuss with suitable examples from text.

Last updated February 19, 2019

11879 views1 answers5 votes