What situation does The Last Ride Together present between the lovers?

QuestionsWhat situation does The Last Ride Together present between the lovers?
Raziya Sultana asked 7 years ago

Describe the situation between the two lovers as presented in the poem ‘The Last Ride Together’ by Robert Browning.

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

In the poem ‘The Last Ride Together’ Browning presents a situation where the ladylove has rejected the speaker’s love. But soon after her rejection, the lover shows his thankfulness for being with him till then and appeals for one last ride with her. When the lady was taking her time to decide whether to grant the last request, the lover was in a state what he calls ‘with life and death in the balance’. Her acceptance would mean life for him, while her rejection would be synonymous to death. Finally the lady accepts his request. They start on a ride together that the speaker describes elaborately in the poem. Despite being on the verge of a separation, the lover is happy thinking that he has at least achieved one last ride with his beloved while most other people fail to get what they initially aim for.

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