How do you think could individuals contribute to making their country an ideal country?

QuestionsHow do you think could individuals contribute to making their country an ideal country?
Sneha asked 7 years ago

How do you think could individuals contribute to making their country an ideal country as indicated by Tagore in his poem ‘Where the Mind is Without Fear’?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

Individuals constitute a society and a nation. So, only individuals can make a country ideal by their wisdom and virtues. As the poet believes it, every individual should be fearless. They should hold their heads high with a sense of self-dignity. People should be knowledgeable. They should be wise enough to stand united leaving their prejudices behind them. They should be truthful from the core of their hearts irrespective of the situation. Every individual should be hard-working and striving to achieve perfection in what they do. They should always be logical in their everyday life. And finally, they should have an open mind and a big heart to embrace the good, to help others in need and to have a strong sense of patriotism towards building their nation  an ideal one.

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