What was the cost of victory as narrated in the poem? (Write any 3).

QuestionsWhat was the cost of victory as narrated in the poem? (Write any 3).
Akanksha Das asked 7 years ago

What cost did people pay for the ‘great victory’ as narrated in the poem ‘After Blenheim’ by Robert Southey?

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1 Answers
Staff answered 7 years ago

Common people had to pay a hefty price for the ‘famous victory’ in the Battle of Blenheim. 

  • The whole countryside was wasted with fire and sword. People’s houses were burnt down and they were left with no place to live.
  • Many common people including childing mothers and new-born babies were killed.
  • Thousands of soldiers from both sides were killed in the battle. Their bodies lay rotting in the sun ‘after the field was won’.

Thus the poet presents a picture of death and destruction caused by war through this poem.

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